Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2010

I’d almost forgotten today was September 11th. It had been another late night in Chicago followed by an early start to catch the planes to Savannah. Yep, I was flying from O’Hare airport on September 11.

I say I almost forgot, until I saw the TV screens in the airport waiting lounge with the sound turned way up so you could barely hear the gate boarding announcements. I listed to Laura Bush and Michelle Obama speak in Pennslvyania about the heroes that overthrew flight 93. As the first lady said, this was 40 people from all walks of life who collectively decided to save the lives of thousands of people they would never meet and overthrow the highjackers in doing so, losing their own lives. It was pretty powerful stuff in the airport lounge. The mood was sober.

Then there were the military personnel. In Chicago our flight was boarded by about 12 brand new navy recruits all spic and span and waving goodbye to their parents – they’re kids the average age is 18 and off they trotted onto the plane in their brand new whites.

We changed planes at Atlanta, Georgia to make the connecting flight to Savannah. This time we were sharing our flight with eight army personnel in combat uniform that looked like they were returning home for some R&R.

Then the cheering started. I didn’t know what was happening at first, but I soon cottoned on. First class wasn’t full. So after they’d already settled into their assigned seats in coach, the air hostess went and got the soldiers and one by one they collected their things from the overhead lockers and walked slowly up the plane to the pointy end, amid cheers and continuous applause from all of the passengers to take their seats in first class. Nicely done Delta Airlines!

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